SEMI Virtual Winter Program

Explore SEMI VWP media, readings, recordings, and more!

Weekly Resources

Week 1

Reinvesting in Community Health
ft. Kurt Waltenbaugh, Founder and CEO of Carrot Health

Week 2

Environmental Racism and Healthcare
ft. Isaias Hernandez (Queer Brown Vegan), UCB Graduate & Environmental Educator, & Dr. Jessica Hernandez, Indigenous Scholar and Scientist

Week 3

Queer BIPOC Health: The War on Trans Women and Mental Wellness
ft. Ikal Avila, Equity Advocate/Educator, & Felix Gabriel Lopez, Public Health Researcher

Week 4

Women's and Maternal Health
ft. Ashley Eubanks, Founder of The Beauty Initiative, Nicky Dawkins, PeriodMiami President, & Brintha Sivajohan, Claire Dong, Dilini Kekulawala, Founders of BIPOC Women's Health Network

About SEMI

The Student Equitable Medicine Initiative (SEMI) is a free, student-led virtual program hosting a series of panels based on racism in healthcare.

Our mission?

Educating students and amplifying the voices of BIPOC healthcare workers to help align the national public health scheme with the needs of minority communities.

Our 2020 Virtual Summer Program:
Graduated 38 Scholars from over 7 states and 2 countriesProduced over 15 hours of content– including lecture recordings, reading lists, and video/podcast compilationsCollaborated with 9 healthcare professionals representing diverse backgrounds, thoughts and specialtiesObtained 100% satisfaction rate with Scholars and collaborators
Interested in joining?

Get educated by healthcare professionals, academics, and equity advocates, hear their stories and desires for change, and become a better ally.

Register here to become a SEMI Scholar and participate in the 4-week, 8-session Virtual Winter Program starting February 2nd - 25th, 2021.


Contact Us

Questions or concerns? Please contact us via email.

[email protected]

SEMI Winter Fundraiser

Join SEMI's mission to provide care packages and food to Black trans individuals via the National Black Trans Advocacy Coalition. These materials can be of great use to marginalized queer people in the time of a global pandemic, where BIPOC face a COVID death rate "double or more" than that of White Americans.*

100% of funds will help provide relief to the Black trans community.

See our campaign featured on the official BTAC website!

*“Color of Coronavirus: COVID-19 Deaths Analyzed by Race and Ethnicity.” APM Research Lab,